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  • August 13, 2020 1 min read

    Recently we were introduced to the work of Str8 Glass and his spinner jars and we knew right away that he had a home run of an idea. These jars are an effective and easy solution to the problem of sticky terp pearls and where to store them while not in use. 

    Featuring Str8 Glass signature Triple Intake Cuts on the bottom of the jar they are transformed into a Spinner Carb Cap with an excellent function as well as a storage device for your terp pearls, it makes them convenient to travel with, and really to go anywhere. 

    There are two sizes of jar both of which will fit a 25mm Quartz Banger similar to a Gavel V3 or other quality Quartz Banger. One of the two jars is the taller version and has only two cuts on the bottom as opposed to three on the shorter wider jar, the bottom of the taller jar is also indented and happens to fit perfectly over the top of a 25mm banger with minimal extra movement, so it works really well and stays in place. 

    Of course you could also carry anything else you wanted in the jars and maybe you already have the perfect carrying case for your terp pearls, but don't let that stop you because for the price ($20) these are the best functioning cap on the market. 

    Str8 Glass Spinner Jar Carb Cap

    Str8 Glass Spinner Jar Carb Cap Shown with Lid Off

    Str8 Glass Spinner Jar Carb Cap Close Up Photo

    Str8 Glass Spinner Jar Carb Cap

    Shown above is the shorter wider of the two jars featuring three slits

    Str8 Glass Tall Spinner Jar Carb Cap

    Str8 Glass Tall Spinner Jar Close Up showing two cuts

    Str8 Glass Tall Spinner Jar bottom view

    Str8 Glass Tall Spinner Jar and Sticker

    The taller jars shown above, have two cuts, so technically I would say it's a double intake on these ones. 



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